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  Mission, Purpose & Goal

The world is changing with fast pace and an effective legal system is required for protecting freedom, human dignity and equal opportunity, safe guarding Peace and harmony, catalysing economic development and promoting social, economic development and political justice. Since law is to solve the problems of society,regulate individual relations and insureeconomic progress, legal education is urgent need of the time. " Success is sweet but its secret is sweat " with implicit faith in the principal of dedication, diligence & discipline, we at "Raghunath Pandey Memorial Law College" stand committed to provide an environment perfectly conducive for learning and acquiring key characteristics to be a successful and complete lawyer. The students may choose this law college only if they commit to it's essential mission of using "Law and legal processes as efficient instruments of social development and developing status in a sense of responsibility to serve society for which academic co-curricular and extracurricular activities are being organised regularly. Building character and value along with an all-round development are core objective of this law college. The college is having wide and demanding range of academic activities beyond the class room, which includes seminars, Project writing, debate, moot court, legal etc.

We keep trust in qualitative education due to which the faculty members are quite learned, experienced, devoted and dedicated and are providing abundance of opportunities to the students for coming up in their profession. Our goal is on preparing lawyers, who meet the challenges of today and tomorrow in Indian & Global settings & who can excel in their profession. Therefore, it is our endeavour to prepare able, responsible and competent professionals in legal world, who can preserve and strengthen our social and cultural heritage and uphold the principles of truth and justice.